October 12, 2010

Fact: I cry when I'm stressed.

And it's definitely that time of the semester where I'm officially stressed. Perhaps this is what they call senioritis? I am so over classes and the concept of school in general.

I can barely think of one thing that went right in my entire college career. Other than being in choir. I swear everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Just the fact of transferring schools, not knowing what I want to do with my life, not having my credits transfer, having to take classes that I've already taken, having transcripts sent to WRONG college (three times), financial aid issues, and having so many other little things just go wrong. Ugh. The only thing that went right was choir. If it weren't for choir and my fellow singers, I don't know what I would do.

And all I ever want is to listen to my boyfriend sing...

But like I said, nothing ever goes my way.
Story of my life..

Now, if you'll excuse me...

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