August 31, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 ---8/31/2011---Ugh. It's only the second day of classes and I'm already absolutely sick of it. I really don't think I'm going to enjoy this semester at all...except for the fact that I don't have classes on Fridays. I woke up a little earlier today and got ready for my day. I then helped my brother out with his algebra lab...he absolutely HATES math...and he needs to take this required I thought I'd be a nice sis and help him out...He eventually started to KINDA (or acted like he kinda) understood what was going on. I headed out for my class...Video Production. I wasn't sure what to expect...I was actually very nervous...almost to the point of being sick. I have no clue why! Turns out, there are only six people in the class...I do believe this is the smallest class I have ever been in...ever?! I don't think it'll be as bad as I was making it out to the teacher's pretty cool! After then paying a ridiculous amount of money on parking passes, I went to the MUC and met up with my brother and talked to him for a little bit before he went to his Coyote News meeting. I had a night class at 7 that only lasted an was international film...that's going to be a very LONG night class....I can just tell.

I'm certainly hoping my refund check appears in my account tomorrow so I can buy books and start doing homework and preparing for presentations and quizzes. Ugh!

Ok. I'm going to quit there...

August 30, 2011

Day 2

Day 2--8/30/2011--My favorite part of my day was when I woke up to a text from my love.

First day of MAY have been one of the longest days of my life. While it was my first day of was also my brother's first day of college...ever! He was quite nervous but did very well. He's had a rough first couple of days...and has already switched a few of his classes...but he is on the right track...lots of general eds...which is good for a freshman!

My classes went well. My first class was Basic Newswriting. My teacher is a sweet woman from Bulgaria! I think that class shouldn't be too bad. I'm glad I know a few people in the class already, and it seems like a great group of people! I went straight from Newswriting to Earth Science. This class I was a little worried about...I've heard horror stories about people failing this class and having to retake it...all I can think of is "I must graduate this spring....I have to pass!" I was surrounded by freshman! And the teacher was pretty upbeat.....I have to be if your specialization is in dust. (Yes...I said dust!) Anyway---class went by fast and I headed home for a quick lunch break and returned to Media Law.....which was very dull. I felt SO stupid. Hopefully once he integrates powerpoints I'll be able to understand his lingo.

As I was walking to my car, it was then that I realized I had dressed JUST like Casey Anthony the day she was released from jail--the pink shirt, pulled into a bun! How did I not get attacked?! Ha! I found it humorous.

I came home and made a pizza for my brother and I...Digiorno Four Cheese Pizza. So amazing!

I ended my nights in my most favorite way. By skyping my sweetie and now listening to the song he wrote me for Valentine's Day.

He's such a romantic...(when he wants to be!) I think he's a keeper! :)

August 29, 2011

Blogging with my Boyfriend

So my boyfriend, Devon, and I have decided to do this blogging thing together. We've decided we are going blog about our days. I'm not the most exciting individual...but here goes...

Day 1---8/29/11---I woke up from the obnoxiously loud garbage truck just outside my window, but also because I had woken up from a dream that I had missed my WHOLE first day of classes. Great. I've been through this first day of school stuff how many times, now? And yes...I still get nervous. Get over it! I knew my brother was going to be sleeping in late so I did not make a glorious breakfast like I had the morning before. I decided to check out what was on the television--and I do believe the Game Show Network may be one of my new favorite channels. I wasted my morning away by watching game shows from the 70s. I made lunch and John decided to wake up and join me. We then toured campus and I helped him find all of his classrooms. We ventured back to our apartment and I was pretty much lame the rest of the evening. John had a meeting with the theatre department so I had to do supper all alone. I ended my day talking with my brother and Skyping with my amazing boyfriend.

I can't believe classes start tomorrow! I don't feel one bit organized...ugh! What the heck!! Where did summer go?! BLAH!

Anyway. I'm hoping that tomorrow my day will be a little more exciting and my bloggings will be worth reading.

Love, peace and hugs.