February 24, 2010

Fact #6: I'm a sensitive person.

...and I always have been. Words can hurt a lot. I shouldn't take them seriously because what people say are their own opinions and may simply be their way of joking around. I've always taken what people say too seriously.

Maybe it was because I grew up with a disabled sister, and it hurt me more and more the older I got to see people make fun of her, or inform me on the playground that "I had a retarded sister." And even though that was when I was about six years old, it ended up hurting me so bad. That's my sister. She's a person, too. At six years old I didn't even know what that meant..."retarded"...I told my mom what the kids on the playground said and asked her what that meant. The next day the girl that said it probably didn't even realize what she said, but it's stuck with me for 15 years.

In middle school, I ended up avoiding the pool for an entire summer simply because a boy pointed out that one of my toes was longer than another one and "that meant I'm a lesbian."

These things are stupid, yes. And I shouldn't take them seriously, but I simply can't help it. It's just the type of person I am.

I'm sensitive.

I've gotten better and learned who to trust and not to; but there are times even now that words still hurt.
I promise to continue to try and not let people's words control me.

February 18, 2010

Fact #5: I feel like a kid again.

I can't fall asleep.
I'm not tired.
For some reason, I am reverting back to childhood.

As a child I sometimes would wake up in the middle of the night unable to fall back asleep. My solution? Go to the living room, drink a glass of orange juice and sit contently in the dark watching King Kong, a favorite of mine as a child.

Here I am, twenty years later...sitting in the dark living room, on my couch, drinking a glass of orange juice watching Johnny Weir figure skate.

Reminds me of being a kid again. I like it.

Fact #4: I made a Bucket List.

1) Set foot on every continent
1) North America (My whole life)
2) South America
3) Asia (May 2008)
4) Europe
5) Africa
6) Antarctica
7) Australia

2) Visit the Wonders of the World
1) Chichen Itza, Mexico
2) Christ Redeemer, Brazil
3) Colosseum, Italy
4) Taj Mahal, India
5) Great Wall of China (May 2008)
6) Petra, Jordan
7) Machu Picchu, Peru

3) Visit all 50 states (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming)

4) Ride in a hot air balloon

5) Rock out at a rock concert (11.10.09)

6) New Year’s Eve at Time’s Square

7) Swim in Atlantic and Pacific Ocean

8) Go shopping on Boxing Day in Canada (12/26/05)

9) Learn how to ballroom dance

10) Attend Carnival in Brazil

11) Learn to juggle

12) Ride an elephant (1997)

13) Surf (or attempt to)

14) Stay up all night to watch the sunrise.

15) Attend the Olympics

16) Host a tea party

17) Participate in a huge food fight

18) Fall in love

19) Attend a red carpet event ((I was soooo close))

20) Ride a rollercoaster (12.27.08)

21) Kiss in the rain

22) Go skinny dipping

23) Meet Conan O’Brien

24) Send a message in a bottle

25) Hit a hole in one

26) Learn how to play the guitar

27) Learn to bartend (2006)

28) Join the Mile High Club

29) Write and send a hand written love letter

30) Learn how to drive a stick shift

31) Meet my favorite singer, Michael Bublé

32) Be serenaded to spontaneously.

33) Sing karaoke enthusiastically (2006)

34) Go on a major road trip

35) Get my picture taken in a photo booth

36) Ride in a helicopter (1999)

37) Own one item from a famous designer

38) Swim with the dolphins

39) Learn how to fire a gun

40) See a tornado

41) Get married

42) Have children

43) Be hypnotized

44) Ride in a taxi

45) Go to Disneyworld and Disneyland (June 1992, July 2003, March 2009)

46) Attend a Broadway show.

47) Lick the Liberty Bell, (or other historical thing)

48) Visit a castle

49) Sleep under the stars

50) Go camping

51) Fly first class

52) Go ice skating (2003, 2008)

53) Go to a drive in movie

54) See the Northern Lights

55) Watch a space launch (2003)

56) Go to a Frat party

57) Serenade someone

58) Ride in a limo

59) Kiss under the mistletoe

60) Be backstage for a concert

61) Mud wrestle

62) Ride on a motorcycle

63) Learn how to dive

64) Color every page of a coloring book

65) Try sushi

66) Be an extra in a movie

67) Go white water rafting

68) Sing to a live audience

69) Plant a tree

70) Ride a segway

71) Make-out in a library

72) Kiss a [male] stripper (12.26.09)

73) Take a midnight train going anywhere (May 2008)

74) Fly first class

75) Attend a masquerade

76) Go to a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show and do all the actions

77) Receive flowers for no reason. [Okay, so maybe there was a reason :) ]

78) Get a degree

79) Go to Europe and have a fling with a hunky European

80) Create my own constellation, and find it on other starry nights (I named it Pete; 2007)

81) Ignore guilt and do what I want

82) Make an article of clothing (be it knitting a scarf, etc.)

83) Feel like the most beautiful girl in the room

84) Learn to not say “yes” when I really want to say “no”

85) Ride a gondola in Venice

86) Own a little black dress

87) Go sailing

88) Spend all day in a bookstore

89) Hold a tarantula

90) Be in the audience of a Saturday Night Live recording

91) Hug a panda

92) Get tickets to the gun show

93) Go to a movie alone, and not feel weird

94) Participate in a 5K.

95) Change a tire

96) Spend the day at the spa

97) Ride in a horse drawn carriage

98) Ride the London Eye

99) Parasail

100) Do something totally rebellious

February 17, 2010

Fact #3: I am a hopeless romantic.

It’s true. I love the idea of love. I love reading novels about love. I love watching movies about love. I love hearing stories about love. I love Valentine’s Day. I simply love Love!

My parents divorced when I was in 5th grade. Ever since then my mom and I have talked about love, relationships and marriage. I think it then started when I was growing up and observing my mom reconnect with her college sweetheart. A grown woman acting giddy every time the phone rang. Sending and receiving love notes in the mail. Baking and sending goodies. And eventually marrying him. Now after almost eight years of marriage, they still acting like newlyweds.

I have found love. And no not the kind of love you have when you find someone has chapstick that you have needed for an hour. Or when you’ve gone from place to place looking for a certain item and you find it at the fifth and last place. For the first time in my life, I am in love.

The reason I know this is because I’ve never felt this way before.
It’s indescribable.
And it’s amazing.

I haven’t been able to find a guy quite like Devon. And I’m so lucky I have found him. Most guys out there are jerks and not pleasant to be around. I’m certainly glad that I have met Devon. He has stolen my heart and here's how.

Be honest and open with me. I’m a very open person and I hate secrets. And I will share just about anything with you and I’m comfortable with that. Tell me what you really think. I’ll listen.
Trust. Self explanatory. Goes hand in hand with the above.
Laugh with me. I love to laugh!! Devon has a wonderful sense of humor. A dry, witty one at that. He never fails at making me laugh. And I love that about him.
Music. Music has been and always will be a big part of my life. I love to sing. And so does Devon. He has a great voice and ability to play guitar (and ukulele).I love being able to share this love with someone that loves it just as much as I do. I have always dreamed of being serenaded to spontaneously. You know, like the movies?! How romantic. Even more romantic would be a song written just for me.
Put up with me. Sure I’m a little weird. A little silly. A little unorganized. Maybe I don’t wear makeup or do my hair some days. But he still looks past that and still puts up with me and loves me for me.
It’s the little things that count. It’s the random text messages saying “I love you” or the flowers on our monthly anniversary. It’s the randomly doing the dishes. These are the things that make my heart melt. I adore them.
Hold my hand. This is my favorite part of every car ride I go on with Devon. Whether it’s just a drive across town. Or a journey up to Sioux Falls.
I’m sure his love for the color green, love for puppies, or the fact that he rides a motorcycle had a little to do with it as well. ;)
Like I said before. I’m a simple girl and it doesn’t take much to win my heart…I’ve just never found someone that was able to before…until now. <3
I love you, Devon!


Fact #2: I am falling out of love with Facebook.

Sure. Facebook is a nice way to keep in touch with old classmates, family, and friends, but it's not the same Facebook I fell in love with when I first discovered it. I loved the simplicity that the original Facebook entailed. All you could do is post pictures, write on the walls of your friends and finish the sentence "Katie is ____________"

Facebook started making small changes like taking the "is" out of the status bar. Then they changed completely. I got used to it.

Then came the applications. Bumper Stickers. Farmville. Mafia Wars. And invitation after invitation for joining pointless groups (the new craze). Ever since the addition of the "chat" at the bottom, forget about Facebook working normal for you. It's become a hassle. Facebook doesn't work for me over half the time. The primary reason I keep my Facebook is because it acts as a photo album and to keep in touch with some friends out of town. Of course, I check it every day...because old habits die hard.

I'm a simple girl that needs a simple social networking site.
Sorry Facebook.
It's over.
I've met someone new.
Hello, Twitter.

Fact #1.

...so I like this boy. :)