January 16, 2012

Last Semester Ever...?

So it's true. I am officially graduating this spring. May 5. That's in 110 days for those of you that aren't counting. I am. But that's besides the point.

As mentioned in previous posts, I'm so ready to be done with school. But at the same time absolutely terrified for what the future may hold. I'm getting excited about the idea of moving to a new place and meeting new people and all that jazz. But terrified to just make that step. That's just who I am. Take it or leave it.

Until I get to that point, I have to complete this last semester of classes. Last semester I added Advertising as a specialization along with Public Relations. I only needed the one class, so why not?

My semester consists of a healthy amount of advertising and public relations classes including my capstone class to complete my major, a little bit of acting and film to complete my minor, a dose of a pointless cross disciplinary class to complete my gen eds and a dash of choir to make me complete again.

Last week was our first day of classes. I only had my Thursday classes, since I don't have classes on Fridays this semester. This meant I had all of my classes but one.

I started out with my cross disciplinary class....the dreaded and soon-to-be-dead XDIS. This is the class that they've been trying to get rid of since I got to USD. This is the last semester it is being offered and I need it to graduate...otherwise I would not be taking it this semester. From what I have gathered it's pretty much like a debate class. I hate debating. Bah. I get to class and of all people who decides to sit in front of me? Devon's ex-girlfriend. It's not that big of a deal...but we all know "that" feeling...It's just awkward. Let's just hope that we don't get assigned the same group...otherwise it will be a long and awkward semester.

My Ad Copy & Layout class wasn't too bad. I sat next to some people I knew and we grouped up into an "agency" that we'll be with for the rest of the semester. Our client is the flower shop. I think I will be enjoying this class!

My Acting class wasn't too bad either. I think I will enjoy it. I miss the theatre and acting and I hope this will fill my need until someday when I can be involved in a community theatre. The same goes for my choir I'm in.

And finally was my Digital Filmmaking class. My brother is in it with me so that'll be fun. And it's a way  for me to be creative. I just need to find those creative ideas.

This is going to be a time consuming semester. I just hope it goes by fast. In this semester I still need to complete a senior portfolio and apply to jobs (and get accepted). I have applied to a few and have already gotten "Sorry...we're not interested letters." I can just imagine there will be many more of those. But I just need to find the right jobs and get applying.

Here's to the last semester of USD ever!

Love, Peace, & Counting Down.

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