October 11, 2011

Sicky McSick

I had to break out the Emergen-C and the Theraflu. It's that time of the year, I suppose. I'm not sure if it's a cold or the beginning of the flu or what, but I have a terrible sore throat.

Yesterday I started to feel weird...I thought I had a bad taste in my mouth, I kept trying to eat chips or brush my teeth to get the taste out of my mouth...but it progressively turned into a sore throat. I felt horrible going to sleep, last night. I couldn't sleep. I woke up this morning at 6:30 with my throat screaming for relief. I went out and took some of that warming Theraflu cough syrup. That stuff is the best. It works. Plus it kinda tastes like a Jell-O shot. I drank some water and went back to sleep.

Woke up to my alarm. Took my Emergen-C. Popped in a cough drop. Took a steamy-hot shower. Took some more Theraflu. Got some hot tea. And went to class. And became more miserable as time went on. When I got home from Earth Science, I decided to stay home for the rest of the day. I hate missing class, especially an important one like law, but I seriously barely was able to sit up.

It was then that I thought a hot bubble bath and chicken noodle soup sounded good.
And it was good.

And...here I am. I can't get sick! I don't wanna be sick! I hate being sick. I hate being sick and having nobody to take care of me! :( I just hope I get better before this weekend. Devon has a big anniversary surprise weekend planned. I'm excited, anxious, and a little nervous to see what he has planned!

Love, Peace, & Vitamin C--


  1. You should definitely be more excited than nervous!

  2. I'm still a little nervous. I have no idea what you have up your sleeve! I am excited, though! :)
