September 22, 2011

Day 25

As my alarm went off, I got an email at the same time. The email was about my first class being cancelled. My teacher's mom died in Bulgaria (her native land). I felt so sad. I can't imagine losing a parent...and especially being half way around the world! I will definitely be praying for her and her family!

My Earth Science test was....iffy. I went in not worried about it. My brother quizzed me over all of the notes and the study guide. However...the test itself was a bit challenging...All the material I studied was there...just way more specific than I had lodged it into my brain. I felt okay about it, though. So....praying for that!

Then John and I chilled in the MUC for a bit, then he went to class and I did some homework in the library before my law class. Law was actually pretty good today. I think I understood most of we got out 25 minutes early! Woohoo!

John and I went to eat at Roadhouse. Wings and beer. It was good. After supper we went and played a little bit of Ultimate Frisbee. Good times were had and we then headed home, as I have been feeling crappy and John had an exhausting day (plus he hurt his fingers..poor guy).

Some Big Bang Theory, The Office and Jersey Shore later, I am lying here Skyping with my honey.

Hooray for no classes tomorrow! Sleeping in ROCKS!!!!

Love, Peace, & Prayers--

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